Sound analytical skills
In my work I rely for a great part on my analytical skills. In complex situations or tasks I use these skills to:
– identify and appoint important elements and their relations
– organize and add structure
– simplify things where possible or needed
– prioritize
Respectful communication
Most assignments I accept are temporary. I’m hired for a certain task, most of the times ending at a fixed date or an obtained result. However, it does not mean I’ll do things exactly the way I’m asked to. I’m supposed to add value to your business. Therefore I will always express my own opinion about what I think needs to be done, or how things should be done. I do this in a respectful way, in order to obtain fruitful discussions, that will lead to more understanding, better insights and effective collaboration.
Stability and responsibility
I’m a responsible and stable person, which reflects in my work. I take responsibility, and try to control factors that may have adverse effects on work processes or results.

In my work I constantly search for manners to increase effectiveness and decrease necessary effort. Sometimes I reach this by introducing a certain methodology (like Scrum) for a project, by introducing DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance, Production) or simply by introducing new software technologies (for instance Yii as a framework for PHP applications).
Reflection & advise
Usually, I do not know much about your business itself. I will, however, have an opinion about what role IT should play in your business. What kind of IT should be part of your business, what kind of IT should you outsource, and what needs to be done to create a stable position for the IT in your company, questions like these I’m able to reflect upon.
Social atmosphere
I’m a modest person, and I appreciate a social working environment. I enjoy working with people having different backgrounds: directors, highly educated consultants, technicians, administrative personnel, I prefer environments with a good social mix of employees.